Finally a post! Lots going on here, BUT, I WILL SURVIVE! (hint, hint)
Here is what I decided for the Bermuda mani: (remember this trip was in April!)

Nubar "Funky Opal"
Diamond Cosmetics "White Shimmer" on the tips....
I stopped there for a while, but wanted to add a little Konad:
M57 with pink and white. It lasted 4 or 5 days.
I used 2 coats of DC Super Base (I usually only use one, but I knew it needed to be tough) and 2 coats Seche on top, also for durability. Here's what I bought on vacation: (this was the view from our balcony at Coco Reef resort - we were there the last 2 nights.....)
Then there was the Earth Day mani:

Nubar: "Recycle" (appropriate)
China Glaze "Nova" for the tips...simple, but effective.
(I really miss my long-ish nails)
I added the reflection pic because of the holo-happiness happenings of the Nova in the glass.
Now on to another swap I did....well, not actually a swap, but a contest of sorts. Pia (I am getting the link as we speak...yeah, I'm a dumbbell), was having a great deal for people who commented on her blog. She was going to pick 10 (I think) people that entered this combo, and while on vacation in Germany, grab up some non-US polishes and cosmetics to send to we lucky ones. The only catch was (here's the coolest part) the winners had to swap US-only things back! So it was double duty, and VERY clever. I may be going to France, Belgium and Amsterdam late this summer, and I might very well steal this idea! (THANKS, PK)
Here is what she sent me:
Essence ~ Colour & Go, "Underwater" (I also took this on vacation!)
p2 ~ Color Victim, "Shockful"
essence ~ Cute as Hell, "bad girl" polish and "DATE ME!" eye shadow.
Lip Smackers ~"Fanta Orange" yum!
This was the prize of prizes for first, I had no idea what to do with it, but when I asked Pia, she said it was made for babies, but so gentle and nicely scented that she wanted to "throw it in"....(and the tin is cute, too). So, I packed it in my Bermuda bag and used it on my face to help with the dreaded peel from day 1's sunburn.
Can I tell you that I am still using it! I love this stuff! My skin is very sensitive and this has never given me one little zit. It smells so great, not greasy and has helped (YES I HAVE THEM) with plumping of the dreaded wrinkles. OK, so I like to call them "character lines" :)
......have a GREAT day!
Be Polished!