So, a couple of days after The Commish gave me the X5, I had to run out and buy matching yarn. (I feel a scarf or belt coming....) Surprisingly, I found yarn that matches the roundel on my hood. I couldn't beleive it.
I tried this a couple of times with the "Magic Adjustable Ring",
(thank you Donna!) and it was FAB!!!!! This example is the old fashioned "in the ring".
Here's how I did it. (maiden pattern.....I'll try my best)
- Bernat Softee Baby in Bongo Blue and White
- Bernat Satin in Ebony
- G Hook
With White:
Chain 3, sl st to join.
Rd. 1 Ch 3 (counts as first dc); 4 dc in ring. Join Blue when there are 2 loops of last dc left on hook. With Blue: 5 dc in ring. (Repeat joining instructions with white). With white, 5dc in ring. (Join blue). 5 dc in ring. sl st in top of chain.
Rd. 2 With Ebony, sc in every stitch (do not turn). Join with sl st at end of round.
Rd 3. With Ebony, sc in every stitch. Join with sl st. Fasten off.
I guess for you crochet guru out there, it would be just an old fashioned circle motif, alternating colors, and then two rounds of sc on the outside.....